Real Storm Protection: Making a Claim
If you need to report a loss to your property, you have options. Call us toll free at (866) 275-7322, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to speak to a Mississippi Farm Bureau Insurance representative who will take the claims information and process the loss so that it is assigned to an adjuster who works in your area. Or you can use the MOBILE agent app, where you can report a claim and contact a local agent. Additionally, you can report a claim online.
There are some things you can do before the adjuster inspects your property to help protect it from further damage and also to help with the loss adjustment process.
- Make any necessary temporary repairs to protect your property from further damage.
- Save for inspection, by the adjuster, any damaged property.
- Prepare a detailed list of any personal property that has been damaged to help you in preparation of claim forms.
Be sure to save any receipts for material or labor expenses incurred in protecting your property from further damage.