A Helpful Guide for After the Storm
Post Hurricane Checklist
- Do not attempt to reenter an evacuated area until authorized to do so by the governing authorities.
- Remember to be on the lookout for downed power lines and other potential hazards which may be present as you reenter the area.
- If you need to report a property loss, call us toll free at 1-866-275-7322, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to speak to a Mississippi Farm Bureau Insurance representative who will take the claims information and process the loss so that it can be assigned to a catastrophe adjuster who will be working in your area.
- If you were forced to evacuate and the civil authorities prevent you from immediately retuning to your home, please save copies of any receipts for food and lodging. Your policy may provide coverage for these expenses.
- If the street signs are down or your street address is not readily visible, the adjuster may not be able to locate your home.
- You should identify your property with a sign or some other marker to help the adjuster locate your property.
- You should also include contact telephone numbers on the marker so the adjuster will know how to contact you, in the event you are not at home when your property is inspected.
If You Have a Claim
There are some things you can do before the adjuster inspects your property to help protect it from further damage and also to help with the loss adjustment process.
- Make any necessary temporary repairs to protect your property from further damage
- Save for inspection, by the adjuster, any damaged property.
- Prepare a detailed list of any personal property that has been damaged to help you in preparation of claim forms. Click here to download the Personal Property form.
- Be sure to save any receipts for material or labor expenses incurred in protecting your property from further damage.
If you experience property loss during a hurricane, click here to Report a Claim.