Detail Your Personal Property to Help Protect Their Worth
The threat of a property loss from theft, fire or other causes is always possible. If a loss occurs, you may be asked to complete a detailed listing of any personal property that was damaged in the loss, including the location of the property and the date of purchase.
Although it will take time to complete, an accurate inventory of your personal property may save you time and make the documentation of your personal property much easier if a loss does occur. Click here to download the Personal Property form.
- The inventory should include a detailed listing of your possessions and receipts when possible as well as serial numbers and descriptions of unusual items.
- A digital camera or video camera can be used to help document the personal property in your home. Use the date stamp on the camera or video to help keep a record of when the video or photos were last updated.
- Remember to open closet doors and cabinets or china hutches to document items contained in them as well.
- You should narrate your video if one is taken, to describe items as you film them.
- Remember to store the inventory listing, video tape or photographs in a safe place away from your home such as a safe deposit box or a friend or family member’s home.
- Remember to update the documents, video and photos annually or when a large ticket item is purchased.
- If you need to report a loss to your personal property, call us toll free at 1-866-275-7322, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to speak to a Mississippi Farm Bureau Insurance representative who will take the claims information and process the loss so that it is assigned to an adjuster who works in your area.